Wednesday, July 30, 2008


last week, I heard the first songs of the cicadas of this summer

ah, the bittersweet sound of the cicadas' song

it marks the lull and warm days of summer and to me… reminds me that August is immanent, and that the summer is almost over

the lulling chirping sounds drive the fireflies away

in summer's past, I can remember making love to the sounds of the cicadas nearby

this summer, the sounds of the cicadas are bittersweet

I wonder if I've fully taken advantage of this hot sticky season, swam enough, sun bathed enough, enjoyed the outside enough… sadly, I've spent more time hiding from the joys of summer than I have taken it in

consumed by drama and stress, single life, moving, accidents, mistakes, heart break and disappointment… I have forgotten to enjoy fully, be present, and take in the great experience only summer can offer

the chirping lull of the cicadas

memories of juicy peaches, caresses on beaches, salt water covered skin, lazy days in the sun, cold glasses of iced tea laced with honey and mint, his fingers running across my lips, outdoor concerts filled with pot smoke in the air, hiking up that mountain, chillin' on the porch holding hands, bursting blueberries, freshly painted toes wiggling in the sand

the cicadas call, they remind me there's still time to enjoy these things, it's not over, but the clock is ticking on summer

I have much to be grateful for, dancing with friends, trips to Coney Island, kissing him on the beach, front row for Franti & Spearhead, celebrating my birthday and my 90 days on the same day, celebrating my son's birthday, summer solstice BBQ at Mary's, fresh raspberries, new job, opening my heart for a moment to taste a heart connection, holding baby Izzy, my clarity and serenity, midnight swims, forging friendships and finding fellowship with my girls, lots of fireworks, got more ink, finding our new house, playing golf, watching my son swim for the first time, catching up with old friends, pool parties, bbqs, meeting Liz Baily, discovering that I can incorporate Buddhism into my program and jeesh, summer ain't over yet….

cicada's just reminding me…there isn't much time left, so I better take advantage now… just one more month to go..

what I want to do before the summer's end…ride on the back of a fast motorcycle with a fun companion, eat more summer fruit, lay on the beach until I turn dark brown, throw a bbq of my own, bike ride with my son around the reservoir, hit the outdoor skate parks, APW with Radiohead, take Z to Zume Flume, go to Coney Island again, meditate at the monastery, and kick it on my new porch at my new house, finish step four, read another book, make a thing of ice cream, go hiking and have a little more fun...summer sunny...toasty... sexy... FUN...

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